Take Your Essay to the Next Level
We have the best admissions editors in the world, and here’s what we do:
Rely on personal details to “show” not “tell.” Remove abstractions and unsupported assertions.
Address the question and ensure the essay’s organization reflects its topic while confirming sentence structure is varied and not detracting from your argument’s lucidity.
Capture the hurried admissions committee’s attention from the first sentence. Ensure the essay ends with a sense of closure and balance and that every paragraph aligns with your theme.
Make the reader like you by ensuring a clear voice free of the clichés which haunt so many personal statements. We seek to bring you to life as more than a collection of grades and test scores.
Ensure your writing style and grammar do not detract from your story, omitting all instances of wordiness, run-on sentences, errors in word choice, and other common mistakes. If a sentence or word does not contribute to your narrative, we either cut it or restructure it.
Confirm that transitions are smooth, that all paragraph breaks are natural, and that supporting details are adequate.
Synergize all the essays in a single application, in the event we receive more than one. The varying writing must present different but not contradictory facets of your personality and background.
We help you communicate to the committee that you are a real-life, warm-blooded personality who will thrive both in the classroom and in your career.
More than an edit:
We leverage advanced AI to score your “before” and “after” to our library of successful essays.
We provide a critique calling out the significant changes or areas we feel need more details from your life.
We do it all within 48 hours, or within 24 hours if you need expedited service.
We provide access to your primary editor, so you may ask clarifying questions by email upon receiving your edit and critique.
We protect your privacy. View our business principles.
Types of documents we edit:
Personal statements
Waitlist letters
Letters of recommendation
Scholarship essays
What We Don’t Do
We don’t overcharge you. Our pricing speaks for itself.
We don’t invent different service levels just to up-charge you. We know our Master Edit works, and so that’s the service we offer.
We don’t write the essay for you. We enhance your voice; we don’t replace it.
We don’t disclose your identity. Our systems are secure, and we never share our users’ names, essays, or personal details.
We don’t take our jobs lightly. We understand ours are often the last eyes, and definitely the most helpful, before you send the application to your dream school. That’s why we LOVE what we do so much… because it matters.