Samples of Our Work
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Samples of Our Work: College #1
The original draft demonstrated a type of sophistication, offering a non-failure failure that improved rather than detracted from your candidacy. An evocative anecdote in the essay improved on a sincere discussion of your compassion and humanitarian spirit. The original draft covered material in turn, painting a portrait of an individual inspired from within.

Samples of Our Work: College #2
The original draft included a strong, highly-visual image. Clearly you have seen more of life than many of your sheltered peers from developed countries.

Samples of Our Work: College #3
Among the strengths of the original draft were its sincere tone and its notable charm. It is clear you are a keen photographer, as shown by your self-knowledge and introspective examinations of the same.

Samples of Our Work: College #4
Your personal statement covered a long scope of real world achievements, successfully adding value to your candidacy. It was made clear that your passion for software engineering was genuine and well-informed by industry experience.

Samples of Our Work: Business School #1
Your original essay clearly had a great deal of material, more than double the permitted 2000 characters. The editor’s task was therefore cut and dry: finding the very best material within many very strong points.

Samples of Our Work: Business School #2
In this essay, you demonstrated key strengths: advanced education in business, a family challenge overcome, and in-industry experience.

Samples of Our Work: Business School #3
Some key strengths of your original work include its quantitative, informed tone, demonstrating a high-intelligence individual who understands business jargon and uses it properly.

Samples of Our Work: Business School #4
Your original document was a nice well-balanced statement to start off with, tying your experiences directly to your future goals. The essay solidified your background, showing you had a career focus and demonstrating how you specialized.

Samples of Our Work: Business School #5
Your original draft had many strong points, offering material that demonstrated leadership and vision. Getting to the idea of “ringing the opening bell at NASDAQ,” you outlined your dreams, explained your preparation, and discussed a valuable leadership experience.

Samples of Our Work: Law School #1
Your original draft had some key strengths, including early childhood interest in conflict-resolution, leadership anecdotes, and introspection on your path to becoming a lawyer. Your candidacy comes off as one of faith and noble aspiration.

Samples of Our Work: Law School #2
Your original draft had some key strengths, including sincerity, interest in the field, and a good presentation of anecdotes relating to your true passion.

Samples of Our Work: Medical School #1
Your original draft had some key strengths including strong personal material that evoked a compassionate physician candidate.

Samples of Our Work: Medical School #2
Your original statement had some key strengths including childhood interest, high school experience, and a volunteer position at a hospital.

Samples of Our Work: Medical School #3
There are multiple varieties of a successful AMCAS statement, and yours had some key strengths: the cogent, research-oriented material, the family anecdote, and the humanitarian spirit evidenced in the clear.

Samples of Our Work: Graduate School #1
The original draft included powerful reasons for your admission. Its strengths included a clear passion for the desired field, a broad spectrum of experiences leading to advanced study, and sophisticated “insider’s” prose. Especially commendable was the introspection demonstrated by analyzing how each experience contributed to an overall praxis.

Samples of Our Work: Graduate School #2
Your original document had some key strengths, including a sharp quantitative tone, insight into your preparation for USC, and well-presented highlights of your experience.

Samples of Our Work: Graduate School #3
Your original personal statement had some key strengths, including a fine, quantitative tone, experience in both academia and the industry, and specific rationale for choosing UCL.