Heart and soul - Harvard - Free example business personal statement
Free example business personal statement
My career vision is to positively contribute to private-sector development in Africa by enhancing the efficiencies in our business environment. Inefficiencies such as information asymmetry, low productivity and poor access to credit impede economic growth. My goal is to establish a world-class, Africa-based private equity fund that employs effective management techniques and appropriate capital structures to improve underperforming companies.
I believe weak management and poor leadership compound the effects of the aforementioned inefficiencies and are major impediments to economic development. For instance, in Nigeria, despite the recent quadrupling of revenues to $60 billion, (year over year) in 2005 due to favorable oil conditions, 71 percent of the population still live below the international poverty line. Ventures, like Africa-focused private equity funds, can efficiently mobilize resources and introduce ethical and corporate governance in the private sector and help unlock the economy’s latent potential. These funds are positioned to take advantage of increasing foreign investments in Africa, the tremendous resource endowment, low labor costs, and sizeable market demand.
Whilst attending HBS’s Africa Business Club Conference, I became more aware of the investment opportunities on the continent and met individuals who share my aspirations to make a difference. An exciting decade lies ahead for Africa. The catalyst for our development is leaders who successfully combine advanced business strategies with the resilience and entrepreneurship of African people to achieve international competitiveness. I intend to be one of these leaders and the Harvard MBA education is vital to making this a reality.
There are established answers to many of Africa’s challenges. The HBS case method acknowledges that collective problem-solving and Socratic idea-sharing can lead to optimal solutions to problems as complex as Africa’s poverty spiral. Through electives like Venture Capital and Private Equity and International Financial Management, I will learn to effectively evaluate investments in developing countries such as Nigeria and profitably execute my fund strategy.
After HBS I intend to build upon my international investment banking career by joining an emerging-markets private equity fund where I will gain tangible and practical knowledge required to navigate this dynamic sector. I see the successful realization of my career vision as a step toward the economic liberation of Africa, a sequel to the achievement of our political independence in the 1960s. The Harvard MBA program will enhance my capacity to achieve my full potential and give back to my society some of the benefits to which I have been privileged.
This essay is a well-informed response by a passionate applicant. Fundamentally, the essay is about private equity. It offers a compelling twist, however, because Jemine intends to use that field to address the inefficiencies of her homeland to “effectively mobilize resources.” In a few short paragraphs, this author demonstrates she has a definitive plan for making a difference in the world.
It is important to note the clarity with which Jemine expresses herself. The language is crisp, the grammar impeccable, and the message is clear. She displays a consistent sense of personal vision that is directly linked to her career ambitions. Moreover, she demonstrates a thorough knowledge of HBS by mentioning the Socratic idea-sharing that is so critical to the case method, highlighting her attendance at the Africa Business Conference, and providing examples of classes she hopes to take.
In this essay, the author is true to herself. She is not touching on a cause because it is hot at the moment. This is an important point. To avoid sounding hollow, an applicant’s essays must legitimately reflect his or her beliefs.
From 65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays edited by the Staff of the Harvard Crimson. Copyright (c) 2009 by the authors and reprinted by permission of St. Martin's Publishing Group